SLOGAN: Bringing Hope, Healing, & Sustainability

About Us

The Equal All Rights and Service Organization – TEARS-O is a national, multi-disciplinary, development focused, non-profit and non-governmental organization. It was established in 2018 by a dedicated and visionary group of motivated and civic-minded people with a passion to support human and natural resource development in vulnerable and impoverished areas of the country. In 2023, TEARS-O was registered as an NGO under NGO law Chapter-1, Registration Act, under the article 5 section 2. Tears-O is also certified/accredited by Directorate of NGOs (DoNGOs) under the Ministry of Economic, Afghanistan with Registration Number: 5894. It has also a Tax Identify Number TIN-924407133 from Afghanistan Revenue Department of Ministry of Finance under Article 86, Income Tax Law 2009 and has a tax exemption status from Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of Afghanistan under Article 10(1) 2, Income Tax Law 2009.

For over 5 years of experience, Tears is a role model institution, recognized for its pioneering work for the conservation, promotion and sustainable management of natural resources at community level in ways that can lead to livelihood security. In the wake of both natural and human made disasters, Tears has also demonstrated leadership in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change as thematic foci to reduce the risk of future calamities. In its more than 5 years of implementation, Tears has worked diligently, and with spirit, to serve humanity with no discrimination on the basis of gender, caste and creed.

Tears’s core philosophy extends beyond ‘community participation’. As a strategy, it aims to make the recipients or beneficiaries of development active contributors, capable to lending a ‘hand’ to others in need. Through its ‘Social Guidance Approach’, Tears has created a cadre of selfless, honest and dedicated volunteer activists from within the community, who, in turn, are given the responsibility to lead their community. As an organization, Tears therefore has an institutional base that gives it a competititve advantage, and the ability to expand multifold. In the last 5 years, Tears has gained credibility amongst the local communities; national and international stakeholders; local and provincial governments; and civil society organizations.


"Everyone must grow up with love, respect, education, health, economic empowerment, and security"

Until to take part in the growth of the community, which is our vision.


TEARS Organization is an icon's victims of war, disaster, and poverty for the weeping of the communities as a symbol of cleansing, healing, hope, and sustainability to act as an agent of change for peaceful and self-reliant communities through the implementation of various programs based on research, analysis, and emergency response as follows:

  1. Education and Skills Development
  2. Health and Nutrition
  3. Agriculture, NFI and Food Security
  4. WASH & Shelter
  5. Protection of Children and Maternal
  6. Livelihoods & Economic Empowerment
  7. Emergency, Humanitarian Assistance & Equity


TEAR's main objective is that all the beneficiaries of marginalized area may get graceful life, education, health, food security, nutrition, agriculture, WASH, livelihood, economic empowerment, humanitarian assistance, self-reliance, protection's children and maternal with dignity and respect.


The governance and management structure of TEARS-O is composed of two levels: The Board of Directors (BoD) level and Executive Management level. The Board of Trustee is the highest body of the organization that sets the strategic direction of the institution, the financial policies, the human resources and the administrative policies, rules, regulations as well as the code of conducts regarding its mission. The BoDs are responsible for the overall accountability, transparency and effectiveness of the organization. They also oversee Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) and do fund raising activities to sustain the institutions.

The Executive Management Team consists of employed professional team who are responsible to the Board of Directors for the program and operational management of the organization. The management team is responsible to carry out, control and implement the organizational day-to-day activities at their respective levels. The management team is headed by an Executive Director who has the delegated authority to represent the organization and deal with the local, international and donor bodies in order to help the programs of the organization. The Management team are responsible to the BoDs on transparency, accountability and effective implementation of organizational strategies and policies. They report to BoDs at least one a year for full compliance of requirements.


The core values of TEARS-O are driven from its acronym and include Creativity, Equity, Relevance, Integrity, and Dignity.


We proactively and deliberately use research to inform our community engagements; we will continuously seek innovative and noble solutions to old and new problems; we will be at the cutting edge of finding new ways and methods of bringing change and hopes.


We endeavor to ensure equitable and fair treatment of women, men, boys, and girls regardless of their age, education level, gender, race, clan, religious affiliation, marginalization status; we believe all people should enjoy their inalienable human rights.


We always ensure that our work is relevant to the context in which we work; our work meets the needs of our constituency in ways that bring lasting change; we endeavor to ensure that our social actions are benchmarked against national, regional, and international standards; we regularly monitor what we do to ensure appropriateness.


We are keen to ensure transparency and accountability in everything that we do; we assure highest level of compliance to our stakeholder requirements; we are open and honest in our dealings with communities and take our beneficiaries as key partners in our work. We espouse modesty, trust, and uprightness in everything we do.


We stand for fair treatment of our staff and others; we check our work methods to ensure we do not bring harm to our beneficiaries and communities; we integrate conflict sensitive approaches while continually seeking to use indigenous and local knowledge. We are keen to ensure our staff and stakeholders espouse and follow international human rights values and instruments.

Main Office: House# 20, Main Road Charahi Shaheed, Dehbori PD-3, Kabul – Afghanistan.

Contact # +93 772 527 518 | Email: ; | LinkedIn: tears-o

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